Thursday 21 January 2010



You know it. I know it. It's been around since the internet was a toddler. Presumably, it was invented to save people time, people that were too busy canvassing 13 year olds on chatrooms to indicate that they found something funny without writing "that was funny" or even "ha ha ha".
But, it's usage seems to have evolved, or devolved, to the point that it makes 90% of people that use it seem properly retarded.

Take these examples of facebook status updates and comments:

"Can anyone give me a lift tonight? lol"

"…Is back at work today lol"

I sure as fuck wouldn't let somebody get in to my car that's just laughed maniacally after requesting a lift. Why are you laughing? Do you want a lift or are you going to kill me?

Laughing out loud suggests something hilarious just happened. How often do you actually find something funny enough that it makes you physically laugh? Not smile, or giggle, or even guffaw, but actually laugh! Come on! Think about what you've written, and then apply it to the situation that you're writing about and see if it makes sense!

Did you really turn up at the office and burst in to hysterical laughter at the mere fact that you were sitting at your desk? Why? What the hell is funny about being at work? Are you a dentist, did you leave the nitrous oxide on? Probably fucking not!

Maybe if there were an equivalent "lol" for crying. "Sp" or "sobbing pathetically" might be more appropriate.

"Dylan Parish just turned up to work on a Monday morning with 1000 emails that need replying to - sp."

"Martyn is watching the tennis naked with a dressing gown belt tied around his neck - sp"

Some people use "LOL" to flirt. Why? Try that in a club or a supermarket.
Walk up to a good looking girl at the bar and say "Hi" and then laugh for three minutes. Loud laughter, in her face. See where that gets you. If she's still interested then run, because she's probably more mental than you are.

If you're writing "lol" then you'd better actually be laughing or you're just a liar! LOL.


  1. Is Martyn another way of spelling Dylan?

  2. How come when I post a comment there's a little handicap picture next to the field I have to type the secret word into? What are they trying to say about me? WHAT DO THEY KNOW?!?!

  3. I arranged to have that programmed especially for you PJ. You'll also start noticing it on things like your burger king wrappers.

    But seriously, there's nothing funny about handicap pictures. lol.

  4. Burger King wrappers, lol. LOL even!

  5. You do realise, I suppose, that LOL can also mean Lots of Love ?

    Of course, "can anyone give me a lift tonight LOL " still makes about as much sense as snot in a hurricane...
