Monday 26 October 2009

Bob Saget Hates You

What better way to end the working week than to pop down to your local with a few of your colleagues or friends and neck down as many pints as you can before staggering home on the last bus/train/taxi/unknown transportation device.
Drinking. Humans have been obsessed with it for ever it would seem, the Greeks and later the Romans worshipped Dionysus or Bacchus the God of Wine and Intoxication. Today, tramps worship White Lightening, the God of £1 a liter cider.

Many great things have never happened because of alcohol. Many advancements in humanity have undoubtedly remained undiscovered because of a hangover after a night out on the "lash" rendered the potential genius as useful as a toddler with an inner ear infection.

In saying that, many a child wouldn't have been born without the aid of alcohol rendering its mother incapable of utilising her normally astute, critical faculties. Similarly, without beer its pitiful mess of nerves and awkwardness of a father wouldn't have summoned the courage to talk to a woman who ordinarily would be more likely to eat a raw turnip while balancing on stilts and making guitar sounds like Jimmi Hendrix's "Star Spangled Banner" than give him the time of day.

Yes alcohol giveth and alcohol taketh away.

All this leads me on to my main point; apathy. I suffer from it chronically. The very fact that you're reading this blog (Dad and possibly one other person) is in itself a minor miracle. It means that for 12 minutes I've suppressed the overwhelming desire to do nothing.

I wonder, where we might be now as a species if we didn't have apathy.
I'd wager that for every Einstein, there have been 1 million equally as capable people that couldn't be arsed with pondering what happens at the speed of light beyond mentioning it at the pub.
For every Dickens, there were more than likely a hundred thousand creative and brilliant geniuses that weighed up the pros and cons of writing A Tale of Two Cities before sitting back and helping themselves to another halndful of fish and chips, falling asleep on the sofa while Bob Saget introduced another of America's Funniest Home Videos.

Every time somebody finishes off an evening by vomiting on their shoes outside a bar, another significant opportunity to advance our civilisation is quite literally washed down the drains.

So today I shall make a change, today I.….ah fuck it.


  1. So you're saying the world's unknown genius and untapped potential currently resides in vomit-stains on shoes and is floating down stormwater drains in lumpy, fatty deposits with bits of half-heartedly chewed chips in them?

  2. Yes, that's what I meant when I said "literally".....okay so not strictly speaking literal. In fact, the opposite.
